Why you shouldn’t just take your own headshots

With past research having indicated that you only have about half a second to make a first impression, it’s fair to say that any headshots you use to represent yourself in a professional context are important. That importance is even more so when you are engaged in a highly competitive local job market, as is the case for London actors and other professionals.

Despite this knowledge, it can be tempting for many seeking to advance their career in the English capital to simply grab a friend or tripod and attempt to take their own headshots. After all, good London headshot photographers can be expensive, and you may be wondering just how hard it can really be to produce engaging ones of your own.

Here are a few reasons why it really is best to simply put your faith in a professional.

There’s so much that can be easily forgotten

While the practice of headshot photography may seem straightforward enough from the outside, there are many ‘tricks’ of creating appealing headshots that can be easily forgotten about or overlooked.

You may be aware of some of the basic ground rules of taking your own headshots – such as ensuring that the image is framed from the chest up, as well as that it projects a bit of personality.

But it isn’t always so easy for an amateur to know how to get the lighting right, and which locations will provide the most suitable lighting and backdrop. You may also be in too much of a rush to take the headshot – this isn’t something that you should try to ‘squeeze in’ during a half-hour work break.

Even the positioning of the camera and knowing which editing technology to use to get the most flattering results from shots can be tricky for non-professionals.

The right photographer will produce the most effective shots

Aside from the technical aspects, attempting to take your own headshots can also make it difficult for you to achieve just the right ‘look’ and mood in the context of your broader career ambitions.

It can be very easy to end up with headshots that simply look too much like ‘headshots’ – i.e. images taken of someone looking deliberately at the camera. Do you look nervous, uncomfortable or boring in your headshots... or instead natural, confident and approachable? These are things that a truly experienced London headshots photographer can help you to achieve.

Remember that headshots aren’t like other types of photography, such as artistic, portrait or wedding photography. This is a specialised field of photography with specialised, often unspoken ‘rules’. You will want to ensure that your own London headshots exude professionalism, confidence and personality, having been taken by someone with a keen understanding of such ‘rules’.

Don’t take risks with your London headshots

It’s worth saying again that you do only have about half a second to make an impression on prospective employers and colleagues, so I would advise you not to take chances with your London headshots.

Get in touch with me, Steve Lawton, to draw upon my know-how and track record of producing the beautiful and impactful images that have long helped actors and other professionals to advance in the London labour market. I invite you to read my past reviews, compare my prices and packages and then contact me directly via info@stevelawton.com or +44 (0) 7973 307 487.